Ultimate anti-aging remedy is ultrasound therapy? Sound waves show ‘fountain of youth’ effect on cells

”Is this too good to be true?’ is the question I often ask. We are examining all aspects of it to see if it really does work.’

GALVESTON, Texas — Ultrasound therapy could delay, stop, or even reverse the aging process, a new study reveals. Scientists in Texas are working on turning back the clock on human cells by zapping them with low frequency waves. The process restarts cell division, awakening them from a “zombie” like state that triggers cell dysfunction and even disease.

Experiments on older mice found that their cells became reinvigorated, helping the animals run further and faster on a treadmill. The treatment even cured one individual’s hunched back, after it worsened initially.

“We treated it twice with ultrasound and it was back to behaving normally. I don’t think rejuvenation is too strong a term,” says lead author Professor Michael Sheetz from the University of Texas, according to a statement provided by South West News Service per New Scientist.

The findings offer hope of warding off frailty, keeping people fit into their 70s and 80s. A clinical trial is in the planning stages to see if the technique is safe and can combat age-related diseases.

“‘Is this too good to be true?’ is the question I often ask. We are examining all aspects of it to see if it really does work,” Prof. Sheetz explains.

The sound waves are much lower than medical scans use

After a certain number of divisions, the cells in our bodies stop dividing and become senescent. Some secrete toxins that cause inflammation. This has been linked to everything from arthritis to Alzheimer’s. Scientists have previously focused on “flushing” out dead and dying cells. This is the first study to show they can actually be “revived.”

Prof. Sheetz and his team found low doses of ultrasound waves made senescent cells from monkeys and humans resume dividing, halting production of chemicals that contaminate healthy counterparts. Human skin cells usually begin wearing out after about 15 divisions. In this case, they reached 24 with no signs of abnormalities.

The ultrasound frequency was less than 100 kilohertz — well below the 2,000 or so used for medical imaging. Tests are continuing to see what the limits are. The study opens the door to growing cells for research, as well as treating people with age-related issues.

The researchers placed mice in warm water deep enough to cover at least half their bodies. They were between 22 and 25 months-old, equivalent to a human being in their 60s or 70s. Ultrasound waves lose less power travelling through water than they do through air. The lab rodents did better in physical tests compared with peers put in the tub but left untreated. Fluorescent dyes that light up senescent cells were also used to show proportions in the kidneys and pancreas decreased afterwards.

“Aspects of this are still mystifying,” says Prof. Sheetz.

How does the treatment rejuvenate cells?

A possible biological explanation for why this treatment appears to work is ultrasound physically distorts cells, producing similar effects to exercise. In particular, it may be reactivating interior waste disposal systems which grind to a halt in senescent cells.

Prof. Jurgen Gotz from the University of Queensland, who did not take part in the study, described the evidence as convincing.

“But I think more work is needed to define the effective ultrasound parameters,” Prof. Gotz says in a statement from SWNS.

When applying it to people, he pointed out that bones and lungs block ultrasound transmission. His Australian team has found mice given a higher frequency of ultrasound also show improvements in memory. A small trial is already underway to see if this can help people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Ultrasound has been used for decades as a therapy for a wide range of conditions. Prof. Sheetz’s team is planning a trial involving people with osteoarthritis, who will immerse their bodies in water, and people with diabetic foot ulcers, who will be treated using foot baths. Any therapy that boosts cell division could theoretically increase the risk of cancer, but Prof. Sheetz says his team has seen no sign of this after treatment.

South West News Service writer Mark Waghorn contributed to this report.

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  1. As most cures for any disease that come out of scientists great research, this will be swept under the rug by big pharma. Remember bee stings could cure cancer? yeah, exactly.

  2. You give the freq but not the amplitude of the sound nor the length of time. Ultrasonic cleaners work at 30 to 40 kilo herz if I remember right. Not too much different from 100 mentioned. So big cleaner baths on the market might work at home for arthritic hands and feet. YMMV and at your own risk. I wonder if dipping the back of your head might help with dementia.

      1. Dipping the back of your head in an ultrasonic cleaner might stimulate hair growth but only on the portion of scalp you could immerse in the liquid. Might create a strange looking hairline.

  3. Maybe this is why music makes you feel better. From Mozart to Death Metal, let them sing!

  4. Yep, 100khz is 100,000hertz. Tho this seems to be aimed at 20-25-28khz or so as the actual used frequencies.

    Hmmm, can something like this off ebay be used to repeat the experiment?

    100W 28khz Ultrasonic Cleaning Transducer Cleaner High Performance +Driver Board


    Also these articles are interesting:
    “Low-frequency (<100 kHz), low-intensity (<100 mW/cm2) ultrasound to treat venous ulcers: A human study and in vitro experiments"

    "Development of Low Frequency (20-100 kHz) Clinically Viable Ultrasound Applicator for Chronic Wound Treatment"

    Some other musings from an article I found.


  5. This is BS, senescent cells are damaged cells and if they divide, they produce another damaged cell .. read up on epigenitics

    1. If ultrasound could cure stupidity, how could we build a sound cannon large enough to treat all of congress or the White House?

    2. Rock concerts might reach the required energy density if you get close to the stage or speakers but then you’d need hearing aids for the rest of your life.

  6. Oh, you mean like the research and results Royal R. Rife did and had great success with in the 1930s before the gvt goons destroyed his lab, his equipment and his life? Like the already existing frequency generators that I and others have been trained and certified to use? I love how these scientists are taking credit for discovering these “new” treatments. Meanwhile, practitioners like me can be jailed for daring to imply that our devices can do anything beyond relieving stress and pain.

  7. Hmmm. Is this healthy for forming embryos? Because we have an awful lot of damaged children since ultrasounds became the fashion.

  8. One good thing about music: when it hits, you feel no pain. ~ Bob Marley

    Why ULTRAsonic therapy? How about a little SONIC therapy? Drum Circle, Choir, Tuvan throat singing, ululation & keening, Haka, cantillation, charivari, babaloo, Making a Joyful Noise?

    Might it be true what they always said, making music really is healthful & life-giving? Audible sounds have inaudible resonances & vice versa. Tones, rhythms, motions, all enhance the therapy we can make with music.

  9. Right now I wish we’d at least find a cure for stupidity which seems to be plaguing many ‘first world’ countries whose populations seem to want to embrace Communism. There’s no point finding the Fountain of Youth and wasting it on imbeciles.

  10. The only people who will be able to afford the treatments will be the elites, the very ones who need to be gone from the earth but they will continue to live on to make life miserable for others.

  11. If ultrasound does indeed stimulate cells to grow or recover from damage, I wonder about the possibility of stimulating regrowth of age damaged cells in the inner ear? As I understand it, hearing loss is caused, in part, by damage to the resonant fibers which transmit vibrations to cells at their root which convert vibrations to nerve signals. Research has shown that growth of that part of the inner ear stops at birth and damage during life isn’t naturally repaired. Perhaps ultrasound therapy could stimulate those cells to become active again.

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